Serviciile FlightClaim
Mulți pasageri nu-și cunosc drepturile atunci când zboarǎ cu o companie aerianǎ.
Misiunea noastră este de a vă susține ca pasager în vederea revendicării despăgubirilor dumneavoastră. Experiența noastră nu numai că vă întărește poziția, dar vă oferă, de asemenea, un proces de revendicare rapid, ușor de utilizat și fǎrǎ bǎtǎi de cap. Companiile aeriene au un obicei ȋn a blama condițiile meteo sau problemele tehnice, citând aceste circumstanțe pentru a respinge revendicările – problemele tehnice, cu toate acestea, rareori pot fi dovedite a fi în afara responsabilității companiei aeriene și vom folosi înregistrări meteorologice profesioniste pentru a contesta declarațiile despre vreme. Puteți avea încredere în noi, experienṭa ne ajutǎ sǎ venim cu argumentele câștigătoare. Prin depunerea cererii dvs, investiți în viitor – fără astfel de cereri, companiile aeriene nu-și vor îmbunătăți serviciile.
Calculator de compensație
My flight was affected by
Cancellation or diversion
Denied boarding
My flight was affected by
Cancellation or diversion
Denied boarding
Was the departure from the EU?
My flight was delayed for
Less than 3 hours
More than 3 hours
My flight was delayed for
Less than 3 hours
More than 3 hours
Have you missed a connecting flight because of this delay?
Was the departure or arrival outside the EU?
Was the departure or arrival outside the EU?
Have you missed a connecting flight because of this delay?
The length of my flight was
Less than 1500km
Between 1500km and 3000km
More than 3500km
The length of my flight was
Less than 1500km
More than 1500km
The length of my flight was
Less than 1500km
Between 1500km and 3000km
More than 3500km
The length of my flight was
Less than 1500km
More than 1500km
The length of my flight was
Less than 1500km
Between 1500km and 3000km
More than 3500km
The length of my flight was
Less than 1500km
Between 1500km and 3000km
More than 3500km
You could be entitled to a total compensation per person
and reimbursement for expenses
Description | Information | Quantity | Price |
Discount : | |||
Total : |